Initial Deposit required is P500.00. An interest bearing deposit evidenced by passbook and can be withdrawn anytime within banking hours.
Initial deposit required is P50,000.00 and term should be at least 30 days. Evidenced by passbook.
Initial deposit is not more than P100.00 and deposit cannot be more than P50,000.00.
Initial deposit required is P50,000.00 and term should be at least 30 days. Monthly credit of interest and exempt from 20% withholding tax for 5 years and 1 day term.
Minimum opening and maintaining balance is Three Thousand Pesos (P3,000.00) and Five Thousand Pesos (P5,000.00) for individual and corporate clients, respectively.
This deposit may be linked to your savings account (called combo account) to automatically provide funds for your checking account.
RBCP continues to support the agribusiness sector.
RBCP offers Agricultural and Agrarian loans to finance your agricultural needs and production.
Apply now! Send us a message or visit us at a branch near you.
RBCP continues to provide support the Business sector. RBCP offers Small Medium Enterprise loans to finance your dream business needs and production. Interested? Apply now! Send us a message or visit us at a branch near you.
"There's no place like home."
RBCP offers housing loan to finance your dream house at competitive rates and flexible payment terms.
Apply now! Send us a message or visit us at a branch near you.
Need a car for your personal or business use?
RBCP offers auto loans to finance the car you want or need at competitive interest rate.
Apply now! Send us a message or visit us at a branch near you.
Rural Bank of Central Pangasinan Inc.
This bank is regulated by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas. You may contact BSP at A. Mabint St. cor P. Ocampo St., Malate, Manila or call (+632) 8708-7087 "and with email address, and webchat at Deposits are insured by PDIC up to P500,000 per depositor.